(허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g)

(허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g)
  • (허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g)
*여름에 줄기나 가지 끝에서 작은 크림색 꽃을 피우는!*
최소 1개
할인 : 적립 마일리지 :


◎ 특성

중동원산 1년초로 50cm크기로 자란다. 아랫잎은 평평하지만 윗잎의 새털같은 잎이 특색입니다. 여름에 줄기나 가지 끝에서 5~15개의 꽃대가 산형화서를 이루며 작은 크림색꽃을 피웁니다. 소화를 돕는데서 시작하여, 기침, 두통을 진정시키며, 잎 또는 종자를 달인 허브티는 감기를 치료하고 눈을 밟게 하며 숨을 가볍게 합니다. 종자는 독특한 향과 단맛을 내는 아네톨이 들어 있으며 주로 분말을 내어 사용합니다.


◎ 재배 및 주의

봄이나 가을에 파종하며, 비옥하고 물빠짐이 양호산 사질 토양에 알맞으며 반그늘의 장소를 좋아합니다. 옮겨심기를 싫어하므로 20cm간격으로 직파하며 종자의 수확을 위해서는 여름의 충분한 더위가 필요합니다. 잎은 수시로 수확하여 이용할수 있고, 종자는 다갈색으로 변하면 수확, 건조하여 보관합니다. 

Purchase Guide

Shipping Guide The shipping company is Rosen home delivery, the shipping cost is 2,500 won, and shipping cost to Jeju and other island region is 4,000 won.
If you purchase item more than 30,000 won, we will be free shipping.

※ The shipping cost of the horticultural materials (agricultural equipments) is 3,000 won. Jeju and other island region are 6,000 won.
If you purchase item more than 50,000 won, we will be free shipping. In addition, the shipping cost of special shipping products, wildflower seeds is 4,800 won.
Withdrawal of Contract & Release of Contract. Consumers who purchase goods can withdraw or cancel the contract within 7 days unless situation that they cannot withdraw the contract or cancel the contract.
Exchange & Return Guide If there is a defect in the product, or if the product is different from the order, 100% return and exchange is possible.
Goods withdrawal period is within 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods.
For exchange, and return due to customer’s change of mind, the customer must pay shipping.
In the case of below, products cannot be exchanged or returned.

- In case of the return period is exceeded.
- In case of the value of the product is lost due to careless handling such as damage / contamination, or the product is lost.
Dispute Resolution Items return, exchange, A / S, refund, quality assurance and compensation for damages related to defective product are available according to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards
(Fair Trade Commission Notice).
Compensation terms and procedures for payment of refunds and delayed refunds will be handled in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act for Electronic Commerce.
Trading Terms If the minor has entered into a purchase contract without the consent of the legal representative, the minor legal representative may cancel the purchase contract.

이미지 확대보기(허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g)

(허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g)
  • (허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g)

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1000000571 (허브씨앗종자) 아니스(1g) 6000.00